Implementing Active Directory, Domain Controller, and NAT gateway

Beginning the implementation of Active Directory and a Domain Controller with Windows Server 2022, I centralized user authentication and resource management. I configured the server as a NAT gateway to provide secure internet access for Windows clients. This setup improves network security and management efficiency, ensuring reliable connectivity.

Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Process
  1. Set up Windows Server 2022 as a virtual machine using VMware or Oracle VirtualBox and install Active Directory services.projimg
  2. Configure IP addresses for the server: one facing the internet with IP, and another interface connected to a private local network with IP projimg
  3. Add a domain controller service using the "Add new forest" option. Set the domain as "".projimg projimg
  4. Create an admin account in Active Directory named "a-pitchapong" (where 'a' denotes admin) and promote it to domain administrator.projimgprojimg
  5. Test the admin account by logging in as "a-pitchapong".projimg
  6. Configure RAS/NAT options on the Windows Server to enable routing and NAT services for local clients on the private network.projimg
  7. Select the appropriate interfaces (Internet and Internal) for RAS/NAT setup.projimg
  8. Set up DHCP service and define a scope for client IP addresses.projimgprojimg
  9. Authorize the DHCP server to finalize the DHCP setup.projimg
  10. Add a general user account named "Jeff Carter".projimg
  11. Set up a client machine and test connectivity by logging in as "Jeff Carter". Configure the client to join the "" domain.projimg
  12. Confirm functionality by using the client machine to ping Google on the internet to ensure Active Directory and the Domain Controller are operational.projimg